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We have always loved zines and zine culture.
Way back in the 90's a number of interesting magazines were being produced throughout North America. Essentially one or two person operations these were deeply personal reflections on anything and everything. Before the advent of Blogs these publications were a way for fans to circumvent the standard media and magazines.
From day one we carried a virtual library of the most esoteric, personal, extreme and just plain cool zines. We had sourced them from other magazines such as the great SHOCK CINEMA, FILM THREAT VIDEO GUIDE, FACTSHEET FIVE and later the incredible zine distributor SEE HEAR in New York City.

We even delved into the scene ourselves with the one and only issue of SUSPECT CULTURE MAGAZINE. It was a huge tome with even a zine-within-a-zine velcroed inside!
We were well aware of people's impressions of our counterculture aesthetics and that folks assumed we were going to slap a macho kick-ass cover to the thing but, as we are want to do, we went totally the opposite way and got gay enfant terrible BRUCE LaBRUCE to pose in a bare-assed photo session.
The mag was sold in Toronto at various locations and internationally via SEE HEAR and TOWER Records and even the Canadian Archives in Ottawa requested one!
The magazine is now quite rare (especially with the insert) but we want you all, dear Suspect folks, to be able to check it out so we will be scanning and posting pages from this magnificent beast periodically so keep checking in.
More pages added every week - keep checking in !
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